Plastic Surgery Hair Restoration

If you have a deviated septum that causes breathing problems or you are otherwise unhappy with the appearance of your nose, you may be able to resolve the problem with rhinoplasty. Rhinoplasty is a surgical procedure designed to reshape the nose and/or correct certain defects. Although this procedure is relatively minor, it is still important to understand how the procedure will be performed, what to expect during recovery, and the procedure’s typical results.

On the Day of Surgery

Most rhinoplasties are performed as outpatient surgeries, which means that you can go home shortly after the procedure is complete. Surgery is typically performed under general anesthesia, which means you will be asleep for the duration of the procedure. Although general anesthesia does carry some risk, complications are exceedingly rare in healthy individuals.

The surgery itself will take a few hours to complete. Once the surgeon has finished, he will place a splint on the outside of the nose for protection. Although some surgeons use nasal packing, Dr. Wise does not. Without packing, the postoperative recovery is significantly more comfortable.

Waking Up

When you wake up after the procedure, you may feel some discomfort in the affected area. You may also notice swelling, puffiness, bruising and mild drainage. Once you are fully awake and a suitable amount of time has passed, you will be able to leave the clinic. Your surgeon may prescribe or recommend pain medication to help reduce discomfort at home.

Recovering at Home

After you arrive at home, you should rest in bed to prevent complications. It’s best to lay with your head elevated above your chest in order to minimize bleeding and reduce swelling around your nose. Drainage, swelling and discomfort in the affected area may persist for several days following the surgery. Be sure to rest as much as possible during this time to promote healing. Your doctor will schedule follow-up visits to make sure that your nose is healing properly. He will also remove the splint during one of these visits, so be sure to keep all of your appointments. Dr. Wise recommends taking at least one week off work for recovery. You should also avoid strenuous activity for several weeks following the surgery. In addition, you should avoid:

  • Blowing your nose.
  • Bending
  • Straining
  • Heaving Lifting
  • Pulling clothes over your head that catch on your nose.

What Results Should I Expect?

It is normal for some mild swelling to persist even several weeks after the procedure is performed. As a result, it may take a while for all of the benefits of the procedure to become apparent. However, you will most likely notice some improvement in the function and appearance of your nose once most of the swelling has disappeared. The appearance of your nose will continue to improve over time, and you will notice the full results of the procedure within 6-12 months.

Scheduling Rhinoplasty

If you are interested in rhinoplasty, contact the Wise Center for Plastic Surgery today to schedule a consultation. Dr. Wise can evaluate your case, explain your options and help you decide whether rhinoplasty is right for you.

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